Year 12 Mock Job Interviews 4/03

Today you will attend a virtual mock interview with an employer to practice interview skills.

Remember to check for your google meet invite which will be sent before period 1 .You will also be able to access it via your google calendar. The meet is labelled Group followed by a number Mock Interview  so for example Group 1 Mock Interview.

Each meet is scheduled to run all day but please only access and click on the link at the time your tutor gave you.

Have your booklet ready with your application  but you can do the interview without .

If you have any technical issue email

[email protected]


Finally good luck we will ask you to give some feedback from your experience at a later stage.

Careers Week

This week is careers week.  Have you ever wondered where the subjects you study can take you job wise?

Click on the link below to find out. Scroll down and select your subject  and click on the section slide deck to access the Powerpoint


My learning my future

World Book Day 2021!

Hindhayes Infant School - World Book Day Cover Photos

Thursday 4th March. We have exciting competitions for students and staff lined up – further details via assembly.

Photo Competition ‘A Place to Read’  

Take a photo of yourself reading in your chosen location. Use your imagination!


All staff and students are  invited to take part!  

Deadline – Tuesday 2nd March. 

Register for World Book Day

World Book Day Tokens 

Print your personal £1 tokens here

Feeling creative? 

You and the Academy stand a chance to win HUNDREDS of pounds worth of books with our Design a Book Token Competition 


Bosworth Bake Off – WORLD BOOK DAY SPECIAL. Details here Deadline – Thursday 11th March.
Costume Competition – ‘Escape into Fantasy’. 

We would like to invite all students and staff to participate in our ‘Escape into Fantasy!’ costume competition. Who is your favourite ‘fantasy’ character? Who has helped you ‘escape’ for a while? Whether in school or on screen, you can take part. Upload your photo by 4pm on Thurs 4th March.


The Black Flamingo - Mr B's EmporiumAn interview with Dean Atta, the author of The Black Flamingo, a brilliant Young Adult LGBTQ verse novel, who has been named one of the most influential LGBT+ people in the UK. Follow the link here to a recording the fantastic event that took place on Wednesday 24 Feb. 

World Book Day Resources for Libraries

Books, Reading, eBook Library

Follow the link to the latest eBook recommendations from Mrs Griffiths. 

To access our library catalogue & ebooks, log into our school website and click on the link for Accessit (under The Compass links) which is our library catalogue (students need to be logged into the school website to be able to use this).

Any queries or issues, please email Mrs Griffiths, the School Librarian [email protected]


Bedrock stars spring prize draw

Bedrock stars spring prize draw

With the second half of the spring half term split across remote and classroom learning, it’s vital that students continue to learn consistently on Bedrock.

To reward students’ hard work learning important academic vocabulary on Bedrock, we’re giving away two Chromebook laptops and 50 £10 Amazon vouchers!

Our 52 winners will be chosen at random from all students who earn 120 or more Bedrock Points this half term.

Students don’t need to take any action to be entered – we’ll automatically identify those who have earned 120 points in the time


Year 11 Mock Interviews 25/02

Today you will attend a virtual mock interview with an employer to practice interview skills.

Remember to check for your google meet invite which will be sent via email either today 24/02 or first thing on 25/02.You will also be able to access it via your google calendar. The meet is labelled Group followed by a number Mock Interview  so for example Group 1 Mock Interview.

Each meet is scheduled to run all day but please only access and click on the link at the time your tutor gave you.

Have your booklet ready with your application  but you can do the interview without .

Write your first name and surname on the chat function at the start of the interview

Finally if you have any technical issue email

[email protected]


Finally good luck we will ask you to give some feedback from your experience at a later stage.

Information for mock interviews