Years 10, 11 , 12 and 13 Work experience

The letters re work experience are now with your tutors. Please ask for one if you are interested. The information on our website has now been updated for you to download and print the forms . Go on either the parents or students tab and  select work experience. The final deadline is 28th October. Make sure you give your tutors plenty of time to fill in their section on the form before that date.  And remember to sign the forms too.



Careers Interviews this week

Careers interviews this week with Mrs Gillespie in the Careers Room (opposite A1 on the top corridor)


Tuesday 1st October
09:30 Georgia Broughton Year 13
10:25 Sean Thornton 11PGO
10:55 Thomas Thorne 11KBE
11:25 Daniel Lawson 11CBK
13:10 Ethan-Raul Patel 11KBE
13:40 Leanne Birchall 11KBE
Wednesday 2nd October
10:25 Keira Cank 11CNO
10:55 Zach Willden 11SRI
11:25 Isabelle Smith 11CNO
11:55 Jack Webb 11CMN
13:10 Chris Yau 11CBK

Y10, 11, 12 and 13 Work experience

This week your assembly is on work experience opportunity in the summer holidays.

The information on our website will soon be updated and letters will come out to you soon so you can start the process of  filling in the forms.  We will let you know.


Careers Interviews this week

Careers Interviews this week with Mrs Gillespie in the Careers room (on the top corridor, opposite A1)

Tuesday 24th September
10:25 Caine Hartley 11RDI
10:55 Sean Thornton 11PGO
11:25 Louie ward 11CMN
11.55 Jasmine Bhangu 11RDI
13:10 Bethany Bromley 11CMN
13:40 Mae Laverick 11RDI

Year 11 Careers Interviews this week

Year 11 Careers interviews this week with Mrs Gillespie. In the careers room on the top corridor opposite A1

Tuesday 17th September
10:25 Noah Singh-Barmi 11CBK
10:55 Maja Kossobudzka 10RDI
11:25 Jemma Halpine 11CBK
11.55 emma cotterill 11PGO
13:10 Millie Dalby 11GGR
13:40 Emma Norton 11RDI
Thursday 19th September
10:25 Bobby Kirk 11RDI
10:55 Jessica Patel 11 SRI
11:25 Sophie hurst 11KBE
11.55 Leon Patel Hitchcock 11SRI
13:10 Susie Lewis 11CMN
13:40 Josh Bradshaw 11RDI

Roald Dahl Day!

Inspire your class to write like Roald Dahl…

To celebrate this special day, we are inviting your pupils to create their very own short story or poem inspired by Roald Dahl. Selected young writers will have their work published and also be in with a chance of winning a Golden Ticket to  The Roald Dahl Museum & Story Centre for 2 Adults and up to  3 Children!

Download your entry forms here!

Closing Date: 31st October 2019

Leicestershire Police Work Experience Opportunity 2019-2020

Leicestershire Police are now advertising / recruiting for their 2020 Work Experience Programme.  They will be offering 2x one week work experience opportunities for the following weeks

  • Week commencing 17th February 2020
  • Week commencing 28th June 2020

The work experience week is usually made up of short visits to different areas of the policing business in order to get a feel for the environment and the type of work involved.

If any students are interested in applying for this fantastic opportunity, Leicestershire Police are welcoming all enquiries / applications via email ([email protected]) to which further information will be sent onto the students upon receipt of their enquiry.

Street art competition for Years 8 -11

This year saw ‘Bring the Paint 2019′ bring graffiti artists from all over the world to the streets of Leicester this summer, splashing colour and talent throughout the city. Bosworth Academy would like to launch its own street art competition. This is open to to years 8 through to 11. Your brief is to make a street art style design under the theme of ’50 years of Bosworth’. You can use any medium. Alongside this you will need to submit a 50 word written piece  explaining/discussing ‘Is graffiti Art?’. Winners will have the opportunity to part take in a two day workshop led by a local graffiti artist. This will include a tour of the local graffiti as well as an opportunity to enjoy a master class in graffiti. Deadline for all entries is Thursday 10th October to the Art & Design faculty by the end of the day.

Leicestershire Police Work Experience

Leicestershire Police are now recruiting for their 2020 Work Experience Programme.  They will be offering one weeks work experience opportunity for either of the following weeks:

  • Week commencing 17th February 2020
  • Week commencing 28th June 2020

The work experience week is usually made up of short visits to different areas of the policing business in order to get a feel for the environment and the type of work involved.

This is a fantastic opportunity as Uniformed Services placements are not available through the school work experience service (LEBC).

If you would like to enquire or apply, please contact Leicestershire Police for further information on the email address below.

[email protected]