Summer Work Experience Placements Years 10, 11, 12

A reminder that students with work experience placements this summer must contact the employer ASAP to arrange an interview if you have not done so already to discuss the role and sign the agreement paperwork. Please ask a parent to contact the attendance team if your interview is in school time.

The agreement must be signed by employer, student and parent and then returned to Mrs Tallis in MLT by Friday 5th July.

National Writing Day

What is National Writing Day?

National Writing Day is an annual celebration of writing designed to inspire people across the UK to get writing. Our message is simple: everyone has a story to tell and sharing it can be a source of pleasure and power.

On 26th June 2019, we will aim to inspire creative writing on a grand scale—young people are more inclined to write creatively if they see adults around them doing so and writing can benefit people of all ages.

Everyone has a story to tell – what’s yours?

Join the conversation:

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The 50 Word Fiction Competition

Can you write a story in just 50 words?

Here’s the prompt to get you started, but where the story goes from there is entirely up to you.

The competition includes four categories, Adult Writers, All-age Gaelic Writers, Young Writers 5-11 and Young Writers 12-18. The entries will be judged by a panel and the four winning stories will be published on our website roughly two weeks after the closing date.

A prize will be awarded to a writer in each category:

Whether you’re a seasoned writer or you’ve always fancied picking up a pen, why not give it a go?

Need some inspiration or tips? Read our 50 Word Fiction blogs, check out Sophie Cooke’s 5 Things for Writing A Short Story and read last month’s winners.


June’s prompt

Prompt: Write a story featuring a pair of headphones

Headphones in forest
Image credit: via Free Photos at Pixabay

How to Enter

Entries for our June competition are currently open. Submit your story by Tuesday 25 June 2019 at noon.

  • You can submit one entry to one category per month. Please read the terms and conditions carefully before entering.
  • To submit your story, please complete the form below. You will receive a confirmation message on screen after submitting.
  • We welcome entries in Scots or Scottish Gaelic for both categories and thank The Gaelic Books Council for their support in judging our entries.
  • Please note that we no longer send acknowledgement emails and due to the large number of entries, we are not able to offer individual feedback.
  • If you have any questions about the competition, please send them to: [email protected]

Speaking Trial exams French

Your trial exams in speaking will take place week beg 3/06. Your teacher has given you your time. Note there is a change of venue:

Monsieur Mainard and Madame Slusarczuk will be in the view point in the library

Madame Delâge’s students , make your way to the Laureates via English and wait in front of L8.


Merci et Bonne Chance à tous!

Chocolate poetry writing competition

This year’s theme is “How can chocolate change the world?”

You could explore:

  • The global impact of the chocolate you buy.
  • Chocolate companies changing the world for the better.
  • The giving of chocolate. How does this make a difference?
  • The history of how chocolate changed the world.


  • Make sure your poem focuses on the theme: “How can chocolate change the world?”
  • Fair trade is about empowering farmers so try to think beyond common stereotypes of developing countries.
  • Artwork/design is not judged; however please make sure it is legible so the judges can read your poem!

Submit your entries online or hand them to Mrs Griffiths in the compass. See the link for details and ideas.

Deadline 14th June 2019

Work Experience Placement Details

Students in Years 10,11 & 12 who applied for Work Experience in November have now all been found placements by LEBC. Information will be going home with students this week.