Careers Interviews Tuesday 29th January

Careers Interviews with Mrs Gillespie on Tuesday 29th January in the Careers room on the top corridor opposite A1.

10:00 Pirathiga Kusalakumar 13 MMO
10:30 Barlow, Lucy 13 SGR
11:25 Crumbie, Ethan 13 MMO
11:55 Foley, Georgia 13 EMR
12:25 Garner, Grace 13 GWR
14:10 Handford, Henry 13 MMO

Poetry competition time!

Write a poem about something you are passionate about! Champion a cause, put the world to rights or write about what it’s like to be a student in today’s world. Pass on your entry to your English teacher or Mrs Griffiths in the compass. Deadline February 15th 2019

“No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world.’ – Robin Williams