Post 16 Open Evening 27 October 2022

Come and visit us to see what our school, our culture, and our value systems are all about. Our students leave Bosworth Academy confident that they can be future leaders, ready to adapt to an ever-changing world and transition into job sectors that don’t even exist yet!

Prepare for the future by exploring the Post 16 options available at Bosworth Academy by visiting us on 27 October 2022 5:00pm – 7:30pm and see how we inspire our students to be better than they ever thought they could be by helping them believe they can make a difference to the world in which they live in.

We are located in Desford, Leicestershire, conveniently situated between Leicester city centre and the town of Hinckley in the west of the county.

Our students continue to outperform with A Level exam results being consistently above the Leicestershire average with A*-E grades at 99.8% and almost a third of Year 13 students achieving A*/A (2021/2022).

Post 16 students are able to think critically in a dedicated study area and they develop their learning in a full range of facilities including the world-class full sized football 3G pitch, design workshops and IT suites to name just a few.

We believe that developing character and values is as important as exam results and Post 16 students “learn to be good citizens and play an active role in their school, in society and in the world” (Ofsted ‘Outstanding’ Report, June 2022).

We will be showcasing each department with curriculum specialists bringing subjects to life whilst current Post 16 students will give valuable insights with testimonials.

The open evening is available to anyone who is considering their options for Post 16 study including those not currently in Year 11.

During the evening feel free to tour the school. We recommend spending at least one hour at the school to get the most out of your visit.

Our story, our vision and our values will be shared in a presentation that will illustrate student life at Post 16 Bosworth Academy.


You can preview the great choices we have on offer by viewing our prospectus here, by exploring the Post 16 section of our website or by viewing our video below.

A summary of the event can be found, in the form of a flyer, here.

We look forward to welcoming you!


Bosworth Academy is proud to be part of the LiFE Multi Academy Trust.

Open Evening 29 September 2022

Come and visit us to see what our school, our culture, and our value systems are all about.

Our theme this year is ‘The future we want’.

Students leave Bosworth Academy confident that they can be future leaders, ready to adapt to an ever-changing world and transition into job sectors that don’t even exist yet!

If your child is looking to start with us in Year 7 in the next two years, come and visit us on 29 September 2022 and see how we inspire children to be better than they ever thought they could be and help them believe they can make a difference to the world in which they live.

We also welcome those of you who are looking to join us in Year 12 but we do have a dedicated Sixth Form evening on 27 October 2022 which you might find more useful to attend. Testimonials from Sixth Form students can be viewed here.

The evening on 29 September 2022 will run from 4:30PM-7:30PM. Feel free to tour the school during this time. We recommend spending at least one hour at the school to get the most out of your visit.

Our presentations detail our story, our vision, and our values and give an insight into student life at our school.

There are three presentation times available:

  • 5:00PM
  • 5:45PM
  • 6:30PM

You can book your slot via

or via scanning the QR code.

The ticketed sessions are for the presentation only.

All presentations are the same so please only choose tickets for one event. Due to limited capacity, we can only offer up to five seats per family.

You can view our current school prospectus by visiting our school website.

Bosworth Academy is part of the LiFE Multi Academy Trust and you can learn more about the Real LiFE Curriculum here.

More details about the open evening can be found at Opening Evening 29 Sep 22.

Year 12 Information Evening | Monday 12th September 2022 5pm-6pm

We would like to invite you to attend an information evening for parents/guardians of students studying Level 3 courses at Bosworth Academy on Monday, 12 September 2022, from 5.00 pm – 6.00 pm. Students are welcome to attend with their parents/carers.

The transition from GCSE to A level is a steep learning curve and parents/carers play a huge role in maximising the achievement of their children.

During the evening information will be shared on the target setting process, as well as expectations at Post 16. This will then be followed by a question and answer session.

Bosworth Year 11 Students Celebrate Success

This morning year 11 Bosworth Academy students and staff celebrated some brilliant results at GCSE level. With the return of summer examinations, all students were assessed on the same national basis for the first time since 2019. Bosworth students rose to every challenge during their key stage 4 studies, they showed such determination, resilience and strength that must be recognised.

We have always known that this year was a ‘transition year’ between 2021 (when assessment was done directly by schools and colleges) and 2019 (the last year exams took place). This does not mean that marking was more generous or harsher – expert examiners applied mark schemes as fairly as ever and grade boundaries were set by exam boards at a mid-point between these two years.

Simon Brown, Headteacher
“Huge congratulations to our wonderful GCSE students who have achieved such great grades after a tough couple of years. Though they missed such a large proportion of their GCSE years they were relentless in their strive for excellence. Some of our students have overcome challenging personal circumstances through sheer hard work and determination. We are all so very proud of them.
Our year 11 students engaged brilliantly with remote and hybrid learning and took up the wealth of support opportunities offered by Bosworth staff.
It was great to see our staff celebrating with students and their parents and carers this morning. Their great achievements mean so much to us all – I’d like to give a special thanks to all of our staff for the incredible lengths they have gone to in supporting our students. We wish every single one of them success in the future and will be welcoming many into our successful Sixth Form next week.”

Rebecca Harbour, Assistant Head of School Key Stage 4
“This group of young people have experienced a really turbulent few years. From periods of time working remotely at home to uncertainty in how they will be assessed, they have continually impressed us with their resilience, determination and commitment. They worked so hard throughout their time with us, adapting and rising to every challenge. We are, of course, proud of the results they received today but more importantly, we are hugely proud of the character they have shown and will continue to show as they move onto their next chapter. May today be an opportunity for you all, along with your teachers and parents/carers to celebrate all that you have achieved.”

Some individual successes and quotes:
Jake H achieved grades 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 Jake commented: “It’s been a really good experience. I’ve really enjoyed my time at Bosworth. I have particularly enjoyed History which has inspired me to learn more about the world around me.”

Outstanding Results: Kirsty M; Jake W; Molly O; Aryan G; Kyle J; Lara C & Johnny P

Student Tadiwa M commented “It’s been a wild journey. I went from failing everything earlier in the year to doing really well. I revised a lot to get to this point! I would advise younger students to not put too much stress on yourselves but work hard.”

Student Sanna R commented “I’m really pleased with my results as I worked really hard. The teachers at Bosworth were really supportive and cared about me doing well”.

Student Nathan B commented “I’ve had the best time at Bosworth Academy. The pandemic made the exams a challenge but I worked hard and smashed it. Thank you to all the teachers and my Mum & Dad”.

Stunning Success for Bosworth Students

Bosworth Academy Sixth Form students and staff are once more celebrating excellent A level and AS level qualifications.

This year, summer exams returned, with all students being assessed on the same national basis for the first time since 2019. Their exam scripts were marked by experienced examiners who used the normal mark scheme and approached it neither more harshly nor more generously.

To reach this stage, our students have shown real dedication to their studies and resilience in sitting formal exams and coursework assessments after the disruption of the pandemic. Our Sixth Form students faced public examinations for the first time since primary school after the cancellation of their GCSEs.

Simon Brown, Headteacher

“We are all so incredibly proud of what our students have achieved this year. They have overcome an unprecedented tough two years, and faced so many challenges since their GCSEs were abruptly cancelled in 2019. Throughout their time in the Sixth Form they have remained resilient and versatile – adapting to online remote learning and new forms of assessment during their Year 12. There have been many stunning performances from students across so many different subjects – it has been a delight to celebrate with students and their parents today. Our students are exceptional and simply inspirational!
For the last two years there has been a lot of uncertainty in education about 2022 assessments which, of course, has made this an anxious time for our young people. Students have also faced tough competition gaining University offers with a high rise in applicants this year following the pandemic.
Students and staff have remained resolute, focused on learning and have adapted to whatever new challenges have arisen. I’d like to thank our committed staff for their tireless support in preparing our students for such success. Their support has enabled our students to progress onto higher education or employment, and we look forward to finding out what our students will achieve in the future.”

Louise Holdback, Assistant Headteacher – Sixth Form Leader

“We would like to recognise and congratulate the effort, commitment and achievement of all our young people following the significant number of qualifications confirmed today. Having juggled online and ‘Covid’ learning they have achieved an amazing set of results.
These grades will help many of them to secure their first choice place at university or on an apprenticeship, and this year we are pleased by the growing number of students who have secured places on apprenticeships with some very prestigious local companies.
Alongside their academic success we know that one of the most important measures of success is the ability for pupils to go on to positive destinations after they leave school, equipped for the next step in their journey. I am delighted that the majority of our leavers are continuing to higher education or an apprenticeship having finished school. Today’s success is testament to the hard work and commitment of our students, school staff and parents/carers throughout another challenging year. We would like to wish our students the very best for their future and look forward to seeing where it takes them. We hope many will keep in touch.”

Some individual successes included:
This year we have seen outstanding success with many students achieving 3 or more A* grades at A level. These include;

  • Jack who will read Physics at The University of Leicester achieved 3A*s in Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry, and grade B in History.
  • Sophie who will read Psychology at The University of Birmingham achieved 3A*s in Sociology, Psychology and Drama
  • Ralph who will read Biochemistry at The University of Oxford achieved 3A*s in Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics
  • Ethan who will read Medicine at Queen Mary University of London achieved 3A*s in Biology, Business Studies and Chemistry
  • Elizabeth who will read Medicine at The University of Liverpool achieved 3A*s in Mathematics, Chemistry and Biology
  • Scott who will read Chemistry at The University of Manchester achieved 3A*s in Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics
  • Oliver who will read Forensic Chemistry at The University of Lincoln achieved 3A*s in Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics
  • Kishan who will read Chemistry at The University of Leicester achieved 3A*s in Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics
  • Jed who will read Maths and Computer Science at Imperial College London achieved A*s in Computer Science, Mathematics, and Further Mathematics, and a grade A in Physics
  • Harry who will read Computer Science at The University of Nottingham achieved 3A*s in Biology, Computer Science and Mathematics

Parent quotes:
Ethan’s parents Jigna and Hitash said, “We are incredibly proud of our son’s 3 A* A-Level achievements at Bosworth Academy, we never doubted his ability and the school helped him realise his potential. He’s looking forward to his medical degree studies at Queen Mary’s Medical School”.
Sophie’s parents Mel, mother said “OMG, just OMG we’re so incredibly proud of her results, absolutely blown away – thanks to the school for all the support in helping her achieve so much”.
Mother of Scott, “Scott’s 3 A* A-Level results are miles better than we ever expected, it’s a remarkable reward for all the effort. He’s loved his time at Bosworth Academy and is looking forward to university life in Manchester”.

GCSE & AS/A-Level Results Day 2022

Bosworth Academy Results Day Information:

  • GCSE Results Day | Thursday 25th August 2022 | 8.30am-10am
  • A-Level Results Day | Thursday 18th August 2022 | 8.30am-10am
  • AS-Level Results Day | Thursday 18th August 2022 | 10am-11am

If you have requested your exam results to be emailed to you, please note that there will be a delay in receiving them due to students collecting results in person on the morning. We cannot give you a specific time. You may be better to give written permission to someone who can collect them on your behalf. Only A Level Results will be emailed out.

AS/A-Level Results Day | Thursday 18th August 2022
A Level results will be issued in The Compass from 8.30 am – 10.00 am on 18 August 2022. We strongly suggest that students bring with them a charged mobile phone, pen and paper, as well as their Ucas ID number, just in case they need to contact universities or UCAS.

If results are not quite what was hoped for, or students wish to discuss their options please make an appointment to see a member of the Post 16 Team by emailing Mrs Lesley Brookes, Post 16 Administrator, at [email protected].uk or in person when collecting results.

There are lots of resources available to support students at this time including The Ucas website, for example, where students can listen to the “Clearing Choices” podcasts; alongside this the National Careers Service is doing an Instagram Live Q&A (on Wednesday 17th August at 6pm); The Student Room also has some great support materials; and Ofqual and Ucas have published a letter with advice for students.

Further guidance around careers can be found at the National Careers Service hotline number (0800 100 900) and also on the Ucas website. For those who may require additional support with their mental health/wellbeing, students and parents/carers can find resources such as those provided by Place2Be very useful. There are also great options for supporting the transition to university, which many students will also find a source of anxiety, such as Anna Freud’s webinars.

We wish all our students the best of luck and look forward to seeing them on Thursday morning.


Year 12 Registration and Start of Term Arrangements 2022

Thursday, 25 August 2022:
Collect results from 8.30 am – 10.00 am. Please register your place via the online registration form which will be sent out on Results Day. Please make sure you check your email inbox.

Friday, 2 September 2022
12.30 pm – 2.30 pm: Team building event
Please arrange transport to Bosworth Academy for this event. You will also require transport home unless you have a place on a school bus.

5 September 2022
8:30 am: First day of Year 12 at Bosworth Academy (lessons begin)

What do I do if:
My results are what I hoped for and I can now go on to my chosen courses . . .
Congratulations! Please complete the online registration form.


If you do not have the correct grade requirements, or you wish to make a change, please complete the online registration form. But don’t worry, you will be able to speak to one of the Post 16 Team.

For any other queries, please make an appointment to see a member of the Guidance Team by emailing [email protected]

Please click HERE for Bosworth Academy bus information.


A Level results will be issued in The Compass from 8.30 am – 10.00 am on 18 August 2022.

AS results will be issued in The Compass from 10.00 am – 11.00 am.

If your results are not quite what you’d hoped for, please make an appointment to see a member of the Post 16 Team by emailing Mrs Lesley Brookes, Post 16 Administrator, at [email protected] or in person when you collect your results.

Please note that in order to continue into Year 13, you must have achieved a minimum of two E grades at AS, or end of year internal grades, and be continuing in those subjects.

If you wish to drop a subject going forward into Year 13, please see Mrs Brookes in the Post 16 Office for a blue form at the start of the autumn term. Forms will NOT be available until then.

Re: AS Level/End of Year Results

We wish all our Year 12 students the best for their AS level and end of year exams.

Please note that in order to return to study at A2 students must achieve a minimum of an ‘E’ grade in two subjects they are continuing.

If a student receives a ‘U’ grade in any subject they will not be allowed to continue with it into A2.

Students who receive a ‘U’ grade and are left with less than three subjects to study will be required to choose another course at AS if they wish to continue. This will be dependent on grades received at GCSE and availability after the new Year 12 intake have been allocated their subjects.

Support Families Fleeing Ukraine


The whole of the LiFE Multi-Acdemy Trust are keen to support those fleeing the current war in Ukraine and are working with Citizens UK to support the re-homing of families in our local area. Please take time to read the letter and if you feel that you could help us with this then we would appreciate you completing the Google Form, that is linked within the letter with your information, or by clicking here.

We appreciate all of the support received so far with the donations of food and accessories that we will be dropping off this weekend.

Many thanks.

Liam Grest

LiFE MAT Refugee Support [pdf]
Homes for Ukrainians [pdf]

Update To New Government Guidance

To parents and community users

Update to new government guidance

Bosworth Academy requests that all visitors to our school or wider facilities please wear a face covering in communal areas. Parental visitors should make an appointment before reporting to our reception on arrival.

Our one-way system, enhanced hygiene measures and good ventilation continue to be in operation.

Many thanks for your understanding and continued support.

Kind regards.

Mr Brown
Bosworth Academy