Vaccination update

The NHS immunisation team visited us on 18/11/21 vaccinating students against Covid-19, aged 12-15 years whose parents had consented.
Government guidance was amended which meant that students are not eligible for the vaccine until 12 weeks after a positive PCR. The team worked hard to see as many students as possible but if your child was not able to receive their vaccination please be reassured that they will contact you and a new date will be arranged for the vaccinations in school. This is anticipated to be by the end of the week beginning 29/11/21
For students who were not able to receive their flu vaccine the team will also arrange a follow up in school by the end of January.


Diwali is the annual celebration by Hindus, Sikhs, Bhuddhists and Jains that celebrates the victory of ‘good’ over ‘evil, as told by the story of Rama and Sita. It also signifies the start of the Hindu New Year. This year Diwali falls on 4th November 2021. The actual day differs every year due to the calendar based on the moon cycle. At Bosworth Academy, Diwali will be celebrated through assemblies, traditional food in the cafeteria, students wearing traditional garments and traditional music to see students to their buses at the end of the day.

Find out more by visiting:

Exam Retakes

Any students wishing to retake exams should contact [email protected] Your email should contain: – Your full name – The subject you wish to retake in October/November.

Details of the proposed dates will be posted next week.

GCSE Gold for Bosworth Students

Today Bosworth Academy students and staff are celebrating a fantastic set of GCSE results which are so well deserved after such a tumultuous time. Students, staff, parents and carers have once again worked together to overcome the challenges and pressures of the last two years to achieve this success.

This year, following the cancellation of exams, grades were awarded through a process of teacher assessed grades, against a national standard, quality assured and then awarded by the exam boards.

“Our GCSE students have once again achieved some incredible results, we are all so proud of them. Throughout the last two years of disruption, they showed great resilience, adapting their approach to learning time and time again to whatever was thrown at them. They rose to every challenge, engaged fully in our ‘live’ remote lessons, and engaged brilliantly throughout their time in school. Students can have confidence that the grades achieved today will prepare them to succeed in the next stage of their education, training or in employment. As well as achieving great exam outcomes our students have acquired so many new skills including tenacity, creativity, and collaboration using digital media, because of the hurdles they have had to overcome. Adaptable learners who are able to apply and transfer their skills and knowledge to new contexts are increasingly attractive to employers. We look forward to seeing what our students will achieve in the future and I realise we’ll see many of them in our Sixth Form.

On behalf of our students, I’d like to thank our staff for the huge amount of unprecedented work that they have taken on this year. The professionalism with which staff have carried out this exceptional effort in supporting our students is profoundly impressive. I can’t thank them enough.”

Simon Brown, Headteacher

“What a rollercoaster journey these students have been on! The uncertainty and ambiguity they have had during these last two years have been relentless and unprecedented. Throughout the whole journey, they have conducted themselves professionally in adapting to the changing landscape of their learning and assessments. They have dealt with the upheaval and turbulence with real courage, character and resilience. Today is a day that celebrates not only their GCSE grades, but their character and they should all be very proud of themselves.”

Rebecca Harbour, Assistant Head of School Key Stage 4

Some individual successes:
Neely Gale – achieved grades 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 8
Neely commented, “It’s been a really hard two years, we have all worked so hard and can’t thank the teachers enough for their amazing support.”

Mrs Gale (Parent) said; “I’m completely blown away, Neely has worked really hard throughout her time at Bosworth Academy. I can’t thank the school enough, both my children have been given so much support and opportunities both in and out of the classroom. They wouldn’t be where they are now if it wasn’t for the support of the school”

Emily Smith – 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 7 7 7
“I’m really proud that my hard work has paid off and that I have got the grades for A-levels. Thank you to everyone who has supported to me.”

Owen Brooks – 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 8
“I’m feeling overwhelmed and really happy.”

Issy Mintus – 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 8
“I’m happy. I’m really glad my hard work has paid off.”

Ella Priestley – 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 8
“I feel I’ve made massive progress since Year 7. I’ve met so many people and had great experiences inside and outside the classroom. I’d like to particularly thank my English teacher.”

Rosie Sharpe – 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 8 8
“Everything has been great at Bosworth since Year 7. I would like to thank all of my teachers for all their hard work, I’m staying on to do A levels.”

Eleanor Essex Moore – 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 8
” I don’t know what to say, I’m just so happy. I’m looking forward to A-Levels now.”

Other quotes from results morning:
Kyle Jennings“I was really nervous when I first came to Bosworth Academy but it was so friendly and inclusive that I grew in confidence and I am really pleased with my results.”

Miss Ford (Mum of Aurora Ford), said, “Aurora has done fantastically well. This year all of the students have gone through so much and have done amazing things to achieve the results they have. Well done everyone!”

Daisy Bruce said, “I’m lost for words, it’s just so good to see all my hard work has paid off!”

Bella Alton commented, “I’m lost for words but very, very happy.”

‘Golden’ Success for Bosworth Students

Bosworth Academy Sixth Form students and staff are celebrating brilliant A level and AS level qualifications this summer.
This year, following the cancellation of exams, grades were awarded through a process of teacher assessed grades, against a national standard and approved and awarded by the exam boards. The government is not publishing performance data for any schools or colleges this year due to the varying impact of the pandemic.

“We are immensely proud of all the work and achievements of our students, especially after such a difficult and disrupted year. Our students faced challenges like never before but remained resilient and determined to achieve their very best. This summer we celebrate our student’s incredible perseverance, resoluteness and continued dedication to study throughout their A/AS levels. The results they have achieved today are incredible, particularly when you consider the obstacles they have faced.

Their achievements are a testimony to the commitment of our staff who worked tirelessly throughout the pandemic, ensuring high-quality learning continued whether students were in school or working remotely. These efforts have enabled our students to progress onto higher education or employment, and we look forward to seeing what our students will achieve in the future.”

Simon Brown Headteacher

“We are incredibly impressed by the attitude and commitment our students have shown throughout their A level courses. They have demonstrated tremendous resilience and their hard work has been rewarded with so many students achieving excellent results. Both staff and students were disappointed that students were unable to sit their exams, but they quickly adapted their approach. This year’s teacher assessed grades will help many of our students secure their first choice destination in higher education, apprenticeships or employment. Recognition should also go to parents and carers, and our superb staff for the dedicated support they have given our students throughout their studies. I wish our students the very best for the future and look forward to seeing where it takes them. We hope many will keep in touch.”

Louise Holdback, Assistant Head of School – Sixth Form Leader

Some individual successes included:
This year we have seen outstanding success with 12 students achieving 3 or more A* grades at A level. These include;

  • Yogan Amlani achieved A* in Biology, Chemistry, Maths and Extended Project Qualification and is going to read Medicine at University of Leicester.
  • Ella Graham achieved A* in Chemistry, Maths, Physics and Further Maths and is going to read Maths at the University of Oxford.
  • Eve Coope achieved A* in Art, English Language and Media Studies alongside an A grade in EPQ and is going to study an Art Foundation course at Loughborough University.
  • Joseph Densham achieved A* in Chemistry , Maths and Physics and is going to read Chemistry at Durham University.
  • Fabien Faria achieved A* in Chemistry, Maths and Physics and an A grade in Further Maths. He is going to read Theoretical Physics at University of York.
  • Urvi Modha achieved A* in Maths, Further Maths and PE, and an A in Physics and is going to read Maths at the University of Leicester.
  • William Oliver achieved A* in Art, English Literature and Geography, and an A in Maths and is going to read Psychology and Linguistics at the Lancaster University.
  • Eve Redfern achieved A* in Biology, Chemistry and Maths, and is planning to read Medicine after a gap year.
  • James Le Grice achieved A* in Computer Science, Maths, Physics and Further Maths and is going to read Maths at the University of Warwick.
  • Ella Steans achieved A* in Biology, Chemistry and History, and is going to read Medicine at the University of Leicester.

“We are thrilled with Ella’s results and would like to thank all teachers who have taught her. Bosworth staff have shown such confidence in her capabilities and supported her so well throughout her studies.”

Mr and Mrs Graham, parents of Ella

New Year Seven Information Evening Films 2021

New Year Seven Information Evening Films | Wed 23rd June 2021

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

GCSE & AS/A Level Results Days 2021

AS/A-Level Results Day | Tuesday 10th August 2021

Please see below information around the logistics of the day. This supersedes all previous correspondence. Students must pick up their results at the allotted times (see below).
If you are feeling unwell and showing any coronavirus symptoms, please stay at home and let us know by contacting [email protected] and we will ensure your results are emailed to you.

For collection in person, all students are able to collect results at the following times:

Year 13
CBO – 8.30am
CCO/JSC – 8.30am
GWR – 9.00am
HBA – 9.00am
HCH/SPK – 9.30am
JMC – 9.30am
NRO/VKI – 9.45am
TCH – 9.45am

Year 12
AWO – 10.00am
CDE – 10.00am
CMN – 10.30am
KBE – 10.30am
PGO/SOE – 10.45am
RDI – 10.45am
CMO – 11.00am
SRI – 11.00am

  • One way system, through canteen side doors, along the canteen queuing into the hall and then into the appropriate queue (socially distanced)
  • Hand sanitizer to be used at the canteen entrance.
  • Leave using the side doors of the main hall and leave the site by the swimming pool area gates.
  • Students should bring their own (fully charged) phone and a notebook and pen for any potential communication with universities.

To ensure everyone’s safety, parents must not enter the building. Please either remain in your vehicles or stand socially distanced outside. Once results have been collected, please do not gather in groups.

GCSE Results Day | Thursday 12th August 2021

Please see below information around the logistics of the day. This supersedes all previous correspondence. Students must pick up their results at the allotted times (see below).
If you are feeling unwell and showing any coronavirus symptoms, please stay at home and let us know by contacting [email protected] and we will ensure your results are emailed to you.

For collection in person, all students are able to collect results at the following times:

Year 11
SKA/ASL – 8.30AM
CBK – 8.30AM
GGR – 9.00AM
JHI – 9.00AM
KBY – 9.30AM
KMI/ECK – 9.30AM
RPI – 10.00AM
SMY – 10.00AM
VPA – 10.00AM

  • One way system, through canteen side doors, along the canteen queuing into the hall and then into the appropriate queue (socially distanced)
  • Hand sanitizer to be used at the canteen entrance.
  • Leave using the side doors of the main hall and leave the site by the swimming pool area gates.

To ensure everyone’s safety, parents must not enter the building. Please either remain in your vehicles or stand socially distanced outside. Once results have been collected, please do not gather in groups.

Guidance for Students, Parents & Guardians: GCSEs & AS/A Levels Summer 2021

Following the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, the UK government has decided that the Summer 2021 examination series will not go ahead as planned. Instead, teachers will determine your grades, based upon a range of evidence verified by your school or college. These results will then be reviewed by the exam boards who designed each course, before awarding the final grades which reflect your performance on content you have been taught, and allow you to confidently progress to the next stage of your education or into employment.

Ofqual Student Guide To Awarding Summer 2021 [pdf]
Bosworth Academy Centre Policy for A/AS Levels and GCSEs For Summer 2021 [pdf]

Support for Broadband Access

Dear Parents and carers

When more adults and children are working from home, we sometimes discover that our current package isn’t enough to support everyone accessing the internet, and some providers are offering support for broadband access.

If you are interested in finding out more from some providers please click this link: Broadband offer