Key Stage 4: Ages 13-16 Years



Bosworth is a co-educational comprehensive school with over 1,500 students aged 11-19 in full time education. Each year, 250 new students join us from Primary Schools in to Year 7, starting GCSE’s in Year 9 and over 50% stay on after GCSEs in our thriving Post 16. In addition, we continue to develop and expand our out of hours learning, sport and leisure programmes. A school with long established traditions, Bosworth is today a successful, forward looking Academy.

Bosworth has a good reputation for its quality of teaching and learning in a caring, friendly and exciting environment. Experienced, well-qualified staff and excellent facilities help us to provide a stimulating and fulfilling educational experience for everyone who is a student at Bosworth. We expect high standards of our students and provide opportunities and challenges to enable students to gain the best possible exam results and to develop as individuals.

We have built up a reputation for good exam results and we are justifiably proud of our students‘ successes in this area. At the same time we are delighted to see students, who have struggled during their school careers, gain a set of creditable results. At Bosworth we do not define success only in terms of examination results. Achievements in the intellectual, practical, spiritual and citizenship dimensions of life are of value to the community we serve. We are proud of our students who have gained recognition in a variety of sports and of those who achieve in the arts.

Further information:
Prospectus [link]
School Transport [link]

For information on careers from 16+ for your child, visit the link below:
Careers Information for Parents [link]