On Thursday 26 October we gladly welcomed students and their parents/carers from other schools around Leicestershire, as well as those from Bosworth Academy, for our Post 16 open evening.
Current Sixth Form student ambassadors greeted our visitors and gave them a guided tour of the Academy with subject specialists showcasing the different departments on offer.
From chorizo sizzling in Food Science and Nutrition to Vapo Rub making in Chemistry, subjects came to life and visitors were offered a great insight to what they can study at Post 16.
During the evening the two presentations discussed the culture and value systems which enable students to progress into future career pathways.
One of our former students, Samantha Martin, now studying History at Somerville College at Oxford University, addressed the presentations via video link. Samantha discussed how she strives to go out of her comfort zone and be better than she thought she could be by applying for Oxbridge after not initially considering that option.
Year 11 students will now consider their options for next year and if you have further questions or want more information about our Post 16 provision please contact Post 16 Administrator, Lesley Brookes, at [email protected]

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