Year 11 is a crucial year for students and we are keen to support students to ‘be better than they thought they could be’. To support this, we would like to invite you to attend our ‘Steps to Success’ evening for Year 11 students and parents on Wednesday 1st November from 5pm with refreshments available. The first talk begin at 5:15 in the Main Hall and will focus on:
- The Year 11 timeline for the year
- How to support your child with revision
- Well-being support and guidance for the year
- Any questions you may have for us
Following this, subject specialists will be offering 15 minutes top tip sessions for subject specific revision in English, Maths and Science in classrooms for parents to attend. These will last for 15 minutes and will repeat three times to allow access for all attendees.
The first key point of the year for Year 11 are the trial exams which begin in the second week after half term. Students should be starting to practise revision strategies and techniques to see what works for them in preparation for these exams.
If your child has received a letter informing them that they are receiving SLT mentoring, you will have the opportunity to meet Mrs Coulson at the end of the evening. Mrs Coulson is overseeing the implementation of the programme and she will be on hand to answer any questions you may have.
You can book your tickets here or by scanning the QR code.

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